Eric Oh "One Bottle For All" - Reklama TV Coca-Cola

Eric Oh
Specjalnie dla PENowca Eric Oh  opisał swoją przygodę z aparatem Olympus PEN E-PL1. To dzięki niemu mógł nakręcić reklamę "One Bottle For All" dla Coca-Cola.

Tekst: Darek Żukowski

Eric Oh urodził się w Malezji, już jako dziecko oglądając w telewizji filmy dokumentalne zainteresował się produkcją filmu i fotografią. Te pierwsze zainteresowania zostały dodatkowo nasilone po zakupie aparatu fotograficznego w wieku 11 lat. Wyemigrował do Kanady 2 lata później.
Studiował film w Ryerson University w Toronto (Kanada). Jako operator kamer filmowych pracował już dla przemysłu filmowego.
Jest członkiem Kanadyjskiego Stowarzyszenia Operatorów i pracował przy produkcji wielu reklam telewizyjnych, wideoklipów, filmów dokumentalnych i fabularnych. W 2008 roku Eric udał się do Bali w Indonezji gdzie przez 5 miesięcy kręcił pełnometrażowy film dokumentalny. Od 2009 roku osiadł w Azji a dokładnie w Malezji

      "I feel that formats (film & digital) and cameras are tools to help us convey our ideas across.  Does it matter if a good script is written in ink, pencil or on a computer?  What is  important is the concept you are trying to convey.  That is how I approach the constant debate of mediums (Film vs. Digital) and of cameras.  My career as a cinematographer stems from a film based background but I have from early on learned to embrace all mediums and to decide what medium to use depending on the project and its variables.  The film industry in Toronto, Canada (where I'm from) is quite a vibrant and innovative movement.  We are quick to test and adopt new technologies, are not prejudiced by what we are accustomed to and enjoy pushing the boundaries.  At the end of the day, mediums, formats and cameras are just tools to aid us in telling a story and I always believe in using the right tool for the right job.  Since the digital revolution, and more recently, the HDSLR revolution in filmmaking, I find that it is an exciting time for cinematographers.  We now have a myriad of tools at our disposal to shoot in ways we could not before.

Cinematographer Eric Oh waiting for the climbers on the side of the cliff (top right)  while director Farouk Aljoffrey (bottom right) looks on

Showing our climbers the spot to open the Coke bottle

 Director Farouk Aljoffrey (middle) and our belayers look on

Rolling the camera for a take; using one of the four rigs.

Checking exposure poolside

Olympus PEN E-PL1 in the underwater housing rig.

Taking a drink with the underwater housing rig...

… and passing it on.

For this Coke commercial there were a number of variables that we had to take into consideration.  Due to the concept of the commercial and what we had to achieve, we were limited by what camera we could use.  Coupled with the fact that we are not in the West where specialty equipment is readily available, we had to use what was available to us. The director initially was toying with the idea of using HDSLR's like the Canon 7D.  However, we felt that it would have been too heavy to use the 7D as it had to be rigged to the bottle AND handled by various talent.  Moreover, we had to use an underwater housing/splash bag as we had scenes in the water.  This would have added way too much weight.  Farouk, the director, suggested we use GoPro HD's or ContourHD's but my fears were confirmed after we shot some tests.  The quality was fine for web but most definitely not good enough for broadcast.  The dynamic range of those cameras are not as good as it is with Micro Four-Thirds and it did not handle highlights well, due to limitations of the chip.

I had seen the Olympus PEN commercial that was shot in the US using the PEN some time back and so I suggested we shoot some tests with the PEN.  As luck would have it, underwater housings were made for this camera and there was one in available in Kuala Lumpur.  So we got an Olympus E-PL1 and shot some tests.  I did some exposure tests as well as picture profile tests and sent it of to the Lustre grading suite at APV (Asia-Pacific Videolab) here in Kuala Lumpur.  Along with colourist Helmi, we did some grading tests and were happy with the results.  Well, the rest of it was quite straight forward.  We built 4 rigs for different purposes/shots, and shot the commercial over 2 days."

Eric Oh

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